How does it work:1. YOUR CHIEF IS RECORDEDThe administrator enters the data required for registration for Condominium Board and creates the registry of the condominium.2. CHIEF ADDS DATA condominiumsCreate lists of condominiums, the only data that the administrator places have name and email of the occupant which will automatically be sent an email to complete the registration.3. the condominium COMPLETE REGISTRATIONThe occupant automatically receive an email to complete your registration and choose a password to access a Message Condominium.Through Shared Board can: SHARE DOCUMENTSInsert photos, word, pdf viewable only by your condo, such as quotations, invoices, pictures etc. infiltration. ... INSERT RECOMMENDATIONSCommunicate with the condo has never been so simple, fast and social! LIST OF USEFUL NUMBERSThere is also the possibility of including a list of useful numbers to call in case of emergency or necessity such as bricklayers, electricians, aerial fitters etc. ... The condominium.For more information see or Email us.